Year 3
Welcome to the Year 3 page. We hope you will enjoy looking through photographs of our work and trips as the year progresses! We will be covering a variety of topics that will cross over into the core areas of the curriculum, so keep visiting our page!
There will be numerous exciting opportunities for the children, with a slight change in focus with our curriculum which we are hoping they will find both rewarding and engaging. Homework is something that we will be looking to send out weekly. The children will have their own homework book with activities and guidance stuck in - this could be spellings, Literacy and/or Numeracy tasks. The homework books will be given out on a Friday with the expectation of them being handed back in by Wednesday the following week. Naturally, if you are not sure about what is needed please do not hesitate to ask. We would be extremely grateful if you could listen to your child read regularly and fill in their reading record this really helps both Mrs Warne and I, it is also an effective method of communication too!
The children will have two sessions of PE during the week, one indoors and the other outside (weather permitting). Please can you make sure that they have appropriate clothing (a white top and green shorts and tracksuit top and bottoms) and footwear (plimsolls for indoors and trainers for outside). Also, it is a legal requirement that earrings are removed, taping them up is not allowed. Therefore, I would be extremely grateful if you could remove these on the day as we are not allowed to do so. Year 3’s PE days are on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Finally, Friday mornings at 9am we will have a school celebration assembly this provides the ideal opportunity to show off the children’s talents and achievements over the last week. You will be invited in, if your child is receiving a Teacher’s certificate. You will be contacted by the school to warn you in advance!
We are really looking forward to the year ahead, remember to visit the Kid’s Zone on the school website, there are some wonderful interactive games which you can enjoy doing together to support your child with their learning!
Year 3 Update - 19/05/15
We have been learning about myths and legends. Learning about myths and legends was really fun because we got to write a lot of things and even got to invent our own fairy tales!
When we were learning about fairy tales we learnt about Jack and the Beanstalk.
In maths we have been learning about partitioning and how to times numbers like twenty seven by nine, by using a chart with columns in. At first it's quite hard but when you get the hang of it it's easier to do. At first we started with a sheet. One of the sheets was harder than the other because it had the 6x and 8x tables which are quite tricky for most people. Then we did some even harder ones.
by Emma B and Alfie L
(Year 3 School Councillors)