Kirby Primary Academy - British values statement
Our school is committed to actively promoting British values to ensure our pupils leave us fully prepared for life in modern Britain.
The government emphasises that all schools should ensure that they teach pupils about British values. We take every opportunity to promote the fundamental British values of:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Through the promotion of these values, our school aims to ensure pupils:
- Understand the democratic process and how citizens can have a say in decision making.
- Recognise the advantages of living under the rule of law and how law is essential for a safe society.
- Understand that there is a separation of power between the executive and the judiciary and why it exists.
- Understand the reasons for accountability of institutions and why courts maintain independence.
- Know why freedom of religion protects all faiths, as well as those with no faith.
- Accept that people who hold different religious beliefs should be tolerated and not discriminated against.
- Value the importance of identifying and combatting extremism.
We promote British values both within and beyond the classroom and these values are at the heart of our ethos. Here are just some of the ways our school seeks to embed the teaching of British values.
Democracy |
- Pupils vote for the school council in our school.
- The principle of democracy is explored in the History and RE curriculum as well as in assemblies.
- Pupils are actively involved in the selection processes of new staff.
- Pupil surveys allow pupils to have a say in their school.
The rule of law |
- We have three simple school rules that we follow to ensure the rule of law in our school.
- The law is explored in our school History curriculum.
- We promote the importance of the rule of law through such things as having a shared classroom code of practice, we also have playground rules.
- Marking and feedback, as well as homework policies set clear boundaries which are explained to pupils.
- Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind rules and laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves, and the consequences when laws are broken.
- Through our whole school approach, we enable children to develop the language and strategies to solve conflict and to right wrongs. We follow a restorative behaviour policy which encourages pupils to work together to resolve conflict.
- Visits from authorities such as the Police and Fire Service help to reinforce this message.
Individual liberty |
- We have a positive ethos in our school, that promotes a safe environment where choices and freedoms are encouraged.
- In lessons, learning objectives and outcomes give pupils the opportunity to set themselves personal challenges. We encourage our pupils to aim high and to choose tasks that will challenge them, giving them more freedom to determine their own learning.
- Through our assemblies and PSHE curriculum we educate our pupils on their rights and personal freedoms as well as supporting them in recognising how to exercise these freedoms safely.
- We believe that valuing choice and freedom in daily school life will foster a value for individual liberty as our pupils develop.
Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs |
- We value positive relationships between all adults and children in our school, and see this as being key to enabling all children to access their learning, in a welcoming and safe environment.
- Our three rules are ‘be kind’, ‘be respectful’, and ‘be responsible’. These rules promote mutual respect and tolerance of all.
- All members of the school community treat each other with respect.
- When a child does well, their achievement is celebrated during assemblies and pupils’ hard work and positive approach to learning is respected by all.
- Promoting tolerance is a common thread throughout our school. We teach tolerance through the curriculum.
- We promote diversity through celebrations of different faiths and cultures. Lessons and assemblies promote and celebrate protected characteristics.
- We also challenge pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British values. We hold assemblies during difficult times when there may have been extremist activity portrayed in the media and the children need to understand these events.
British Values Progression
British Values in our lessons