The Role of the School Governors
At Kirby Primary Academy the Governing Body work together as a group, coordinated by the Chair of Governors, Mr John Smith. This role is elected by the Governing Body and usually serves a term of at least two years.
Governors are appointed as either headteacher, staff, parent, Community representatives or Reach2 representatives. They all work to benefit the children. By having a wide variety of experience and expertise within the governing body members, we are able to provide a range of perspectives to each meeting and the matters that are being discussed.
Governors work with the school to ensure they improve each year. They:
- hold the headteacher to account for a school’s performance
- make sure the budget is spent wisely
- set the school targets and ensure they are met
- take part in hearings and appeals
- making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe
Governors attend 6 meetings during the school year to discuss the school's progress.
GOV.UK has guidance on the roles and duties of governing bodies.
You can also find out more about governors' responsibilities in the Department for Education Governance Handbook.
Become a school governor
To be a school governor you must be over 18 years old and you:
- don't need to have any experience or formal qualifications
- don’t need to have children at the school
The role is demanding but it can also be rewarding. It's a good way to give back to your local community and help improve a school.
Several of the main areas that the Governing Body work on involve close cooperation with the school head teacher and the management team within the school, including:
- The development and setting of policies for the school.
- Discussing and working on the development plan.
- Ensuring statutory duties are upheld and maintaining accountability.
The head teacher and the school management team undertake ongoing day-to-day management of the school and issues of daily management do not usually form part of Governors’ meetings.
The Governing Body at Kirby Primary Academy holds meetings each half term when they receive a headteachers report and discuss the school development.
Specific working parties can be formed to undertake pieces of work or research on particular issues and these report back to the governing body meetings at agreed intervals. On occasion the Governing Body meetings include a session or presentation from individuals such as subject leaders, the school finance manager or school council representatives.
It is important to understand that all Governors must maintain strict confidentiality at all times, as the role often means they are privy to sensitive information relating to the school and its community.
All non-confidential minutes are available on request in writing to the headteacher.
The Local Governing Body of Kirby Primary Academy | |
John Smith | Chair of Governors |
Melissa Kinsmore-Ward | Vice Chair of Governors |
Debbie Byles | Ex Officio (Headteacher) |
Chris Howe | Kirby School Governor (Support Staff) |
Pam Green | Reach2 School Governor |
Beth Lilley | Kirby School Governor (Teaching staff) |
Mandy Barlow | Associate Member |
Aaron Lehain | Associate Member |
Abi Singleton | Parent Governor |
Charlie Smith | Reach2 School Governor |
The governing body can be contacted directly via the Chair via e-mail at the following address: [email protected]
To learn more about our Governors and their skills, please see their profiles, training and interests below.